7 ways to keep your best employees in the company

Ieva Sipola 18.12.2023
How to keep your best employees in the company

If you’re a business owner or manager, the question how to keep your best employees has probably crossed your mind more than once. Indeed, leading a powerful team is not only about recruiting top talent but also about nurturing and keeping good employees from leaving.

In today’s competitive business landscape, skilled professionals are in high demand, and head-hunters are always on the lookout for top employees who may be convinced to change their jobs. That’s why your task is to learn how to keep your best employees satisfied, engaged, and motivated so they don’t want to leave your organization. 

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Are your employees satisfied at work?

If your answer to this question is “I’m not sure”, consider employing various methods to gauge employee satisfaction. For example, conduct anonymous surveys to collect feedback on job satisfaction, work environment, leadership, and overall employee experience. 

In addition, hold regular one-on-ones with employees to discuss their concerns, career aspirations, and job satisfaction privately. 

Finally, leverage exit interviews to gather insights from departing employees about their reasons for leaving and overall job satisfaction.

To measure the general sentiment of employees across different industries, we carried out a tentative survey of nearly 250 DeskTime users, asking them if they felt appreciated at work.

The results were pleasing, with 57% of DeskTime users stating that they felt totally appreciated at work and 21.5% saying they were moderately appreciated. Regrettably, more than one-fifth of DeskTime users didn’t feel appreciated at work, with 4.9% even planning to quit their jobs.

To keep your best employees, it’s essential to be aware of their job satisfaction levels before they get frustrated and leave. Don’t just count on your gut – you can’t be sure that someone is satisfied with their job until you receive their honest feedback. 

In addition, here are seven preemptive strategies that can help you retain your top talent and foster a loyal workforce.

1. Create a positive work environment

Cultivating a positive work environment is one fundamental way how to retain good employees and keep your team satisfied. Positive work environment isn’t only about a comfortable workspace that allows for social interaction and perks like office snacks or free coffee. While that’s also important, less tangible aspects like fostering a culture of collaboration and inclusivity may matter even more.

To create a work environment that benefits everyone, encourage open communication, collaboration, and support. When needed, provide constructive feedback – and invite your team to share theirs, as well. A workplace where employees feel heard, valued, respected, and supported is more likely to keep good employees from leaving.

2. Invest in employee growth and development

Top performers are often driven by opportunities to grow and develop their skills. Provide them with options for continuous learning, whether through workshops, training programs, or mentorship opportunities and you’ll see this is an effective tactic how to keep your best employees. 

Encourage professional advancement within the company by offering promotions and challenging projects that allow employees to showcase their talents and further their careers. Investing in employee development will not only help you keep top employees from leaving but also demonstrate that you value their growth.

Invest in employee growth to keep your best employees

3. Offer competitive compensation and benefits

Since we’re discussing how to keep good employees from leaving, you probably saw this one coming. You can’t expect your top employees to be satisfied and stay with you forever if you don’t compensate them adequately. 

While non-monetary factors and intrinsic motivation are crucial, competitive compensation and benefits remain decisive factors in employee retention. According to a report by Lattice, compensation is the main driver of employee turnover, with 55% of employees quitting to take jobs with higher compensation.

Regularly review and benchmark your compensation packages to ensure they align with industry standards. Additionally, consider offering attractive benefits such as healthcare, sports & wellness initiatives, retirement plans, and opportunities for bonuses or profit-sharing.

4. Measure productivity and reward excellence

If you’re wondering how to retain top talent, recognizing and rewarding excellence is a powerful strategy. One way to determine top performers is by using productivity monitoring software to evaluate performance. Recognizing and rewarding employees for their excellent performance and contributions can boost morale and satisfaction and help to keep your best employees. 

Consider implementing a recognition program that acknowledges employees’ achievements and offers incentives for continued success. This can be through public recognition, performance-based bonuses, or even non-monetary rewards like extra vacation days or flexible work arrangements. Recognizing your team members’ efforts not only boosts morale but also reinforces their commitment to the company.

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5. Promote work-life balance

Wondering how to retain good employees apart from raising their salaries and providing bonuses or rewards? Encouraging a healthy work-life balance in your company is a non-monetary but very powerful strategy how to retain top talent. 

Striking a balance between work and personal life is crucial for employee satisfaction and retention. Do your best to offer flexible work schedules, remote work options, paid time off, and support for employees dealing with personal or family issues. When employees feel they have the flexibility to manage their personal commitments alongside work, they are more likely to remain satisfied and loyal to the company.

6. Foster strong relationships

Building strong relationships within your organization is another effective way how to keep good employees from leaving. Encourage friendly, honest, and meaningful relationships not only among team members but also between employees and management. 

Strong interpersonal relationships contribute to a sense of belonging and can significantly enhance employee retention. Some ways you can retain good employees by fostering camaraderie within your team:

  • Promote teamwork. Encourage collaboration by assigning projects that require teamwork and emphasize the importance of collective success.
  • Encourage team-building activities. Regular team building activities or outings allow team members to bond outside of work-related tasks. These could include team off-site retreats, workations, or fun team challenges. 
  • Create platforms for employees to socialize outside work, for example, joint volunteering activities or shared fitness goals. 
  • Organize social events like team lunches or dinners or celebrations of holidays or company anniversaries. Social events provide an informal setting for team members to get to know each other on a personal level, creating shared memories and inside jokes.
How to keep your best employees - Foster strong relationships

7. Implement employee health and well-being initiatives

A recent study by SHRM found that more than 41% of employees feel burned out or emotionally drained from their work. Prioritizing employee well-being is not only a nice and caring thing to do but also a reasonable tactic how to keep good employees from leaving. 

Organizations worldwide are increasingly implementing initiatives that address the psychological well-being of employees. Promoting a healthy work environment includes offering wellness programs, ergonomic workstations, mental health support, and resources to help employees manage stress effectively. 

A focus on employee well-being demonstrates that the company cares about its employees beyond their professional contributions. And, surely, when people feel that their employer cares about them, they are less likely to leave.

How to keep good employees from leaving

If your business is growing, your focus may naturally be on expanding your team and hiring new workers. But it’s crucial not to forget that retaining your present employees is equally important. Studies have shown that employee turnover can be costly for businesses, with the cost ranging from 16% to 213% of an employee’s salary

The good news is that everyone in your company will benefit from the employee retention strategies recommended in this article. So start by turning your company into a positive, stimulating, and caring workplace that fosters strong relationships and promotes work-life balance.

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